- Email & Digital Communication
- Excel - Part 1
- Excel - Part 2
- Digital Skills
- Excel - Digging Deeper
- Make a Website
- Job Hunting in the Digital Age
- Microsoft Word
- Online Document Storage & Collaboration
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- What is a Computer Anyway?
Additional Resources
Digital Skills
- You will know how the Internet works and how to connect to it.
- You will know the basics of web browsers.
- You will better understand how to use search engines for research.
- You will know how to judge information online.
- You will know common keyboard shortcuts for better productivity.
- You will know how to back up your files online.
Internet 101
Everybody uses the Internet on a daily basis but how many of us know exactly what it is? This introductory course will help you become familiar with the foundations of the Internet, how it works, and how it can be used.
What is the Internet?
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
- Introduction
- The Internet today
- What is the Internet?
- Servers and clients
- The World Wide Web
- Did you know?
How is the Internet used?
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
- Introduction
- Finding information online
- Using the Internet to communicate
- Media on the Internet
- Using the Internet in the future
- Open Microsoft Excel and start with a blank workbook.
- Starting in cell A1 create the following headings:
- Type
- Name
- Usage
- Favorite Link
- Bold everything in Row 1.
- Under the Type header make the following list:
- Search Engine
- Social Network
- Blog
- Shopping
- Games
- Job Hunt
- Education
- Complete the cells under each of the headings with your favorite examples of each type of site. For example:
- Type = Social Network
- Name = Twitter
- URL =
- Usage = See what is going on with the world.
- Favorite Link =
- Once you have completed all of the information insert a row above the current Row 1.
- In the new cell A1 type "Uses for the Internet".
- Merge and center the cells A1:E1.
- Increase the font size of the newly merged cells to 18 and apply any other formatting you would like.
- Once everyting looks good, save the file to your desktop and rename the file with the following convention: Year-Month-Day - Your Name - Internet Uses (Ex: "2014-09-16 - Kyle Brazil - Internet Uses").
Connecting to the Internet
Begin by watching the video below. Once you are done with the video you can use the links below it to dive deeper. You may also jump straight to the activity. If there isn't one you can move on to the next subtopic.
- Introduction
- How do I connect to the Internet
- Hardware needed
- Web browsers
- Setting up your Internet connection
- Internet on mobile devices
- Home networking
- Setting up a home network
Browser Basics
Begin by watching the video below. Once you are done with the video you can use the links below it to dive deeper. You may also jump straight to the activity. If there isn't one you can move on to the next subtopic.
ACTIVITY:There are many different types of browsers, each with their strengths and weaknesses, but all with similar functionality. In this activity you will play around with a few.
- First, notice what web browser you are currently using. Which is it? The most popular are the following:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Internet Explorer
- Locate where you input a URL.
- Locate where you conduct a search. (Hint: This could be the same place as entering a URL.
- Open and close a new tab.
- Open and close a new window.
- Figure out how to bookmark a page.
- Figure out how to access the settings.
- Now that you're familiar with your current browser, open another browser on your computer and do the same. (If you are currently using Firefox then open Chrome or Internet Explorer. If you are currently using Chrome, try Firefox or Internet Explorer. Etc.)
- After you have tried out a few browsers on your computer continue the rest of the lesson using your favorite.
Search Engines and Strategies
Begin by watching the video below. Once you are done with the video you can use the links below it to dive deeper. You may also jump straight to the activity. If there isn't one you can move on to the next subtopic.
QUIZ:It’s time for a quick test of your skills. First, make sure you are logged in. Next, click the link below to take the quiz. When you are done return to this page to complete the next lesson.
Remember: You must get a 100% on each quiz. If you do not, go back and retake it until you do. If you need help with any question or concept don’t hesitate to ask your instructor or a classmate.
- Open Microsoft Excel and start with a blank workbook.
- Starting in cell A1 create the following headings:
- Type
- Name
- Genre
- Image Link
- Song Sample
- Most Recent News Article
- Favorite Music Video
- Bold everything in Row 1.
- Complete the cells under each of the headings with four exmaples of your favorite solo or group music artists. Here are some hints on how to fill out the data.
- Type = Should either be "Solo" or "Group".
- Name = Name of artist or group.
- Genre = Look up the genre of music using Wikipedia or other music source.
- Image Link = Use Google Images to grab the image link.
- Music Sample = Use Soundcloud, iTunes, or other music service to find a link to a sample or full song. Do not use YouTube for this.
- Most Recent News Article = Use Google News to find an article posted about the musician in the past week. If one does not exist, find one from the past month.
- Favorite Music Video = Use YouTube, Vimeo, or other similar music service to find a link to your favorite music video of this artist.
- Once you have completed all of the information insert a row above the current Row 1.
- In the new cell A1 type "My Favorite Music".
- Merge and center the cells A1:G1.
- Increase the font size of the newly merged cells to 18 and apply any other formatting you would like.
- Once everyting looks good, save the file to your desktop and rename the file with the following convention: Year-Month-Day - Your Name - Music (Ex: "2014-09-16 - Kyle Brazil - Music").
Search Better
All the information in the world is online, but sometimes a simple Google search doesn't give you the results you want. These modules will show you how to effectively find information online and evaluate its quality, thus improving your information literacy.
All About Online Search
Begin by watching the video below. Once you are done with the video you can use the links below it to dive deeper. You may also jump straight to the activity. If there isn't one you can move on to the next subtopic.
Google Search Tips
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
- Introduction to Google
- Google search strategies
- Understanding your search results
- Advanced search strategies
- Doing more with Google
- Resources
ACTIVITY:The power of Google allows us to answer many questions in just a few minutes that would have otherwise taken hours or days in a library. That does not mean it's always easy to find the answers we need but it can be done with cleaver searching. Let's practice a few puzzles.
- A branch of the U.S. armed forces with the motto "Semper Paratus" runs a training facility in Northern California. Approximately how many people are trained there each year?
- You should always keep in mind that a question might have more than one answer.
- In this case, is there only ONE armed forces facility with the motto "Semper Paratus" in Northern California?
- The oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence criticized the national emblem and suggested what as an alternative?
- This is a close-up photo of the heaviest boneless animal. What gives the skin its slightly yellowish tinge?
- Once you have found the answers to all three questions, send them in an email to your instructor. Include a couple examples of how you found the answers as well.
How to Read a Webpage
Begin by watching the video below. Once you are done with the video you can use the links below it to dive deeper. You may also jump straight to the activity. If there isn't one you can move on to the next subtopic.
Judging Online Information
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
- How to judge information online
- Practice evaluating websites
- Is Wikipedia reliable?
Evaluate a Website Practice
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
QUIZ:It’s time for a quick test of your skills. First, make sure you are logged in. Next, click the link below to take the quiz. When you are done return to this page to complete the next lesson.
Remember: You must get a 100% on each quiz. If you do not, go back and retake it until you do. If you need help with any question or concept don’t hesitate to ask your instructor or a classmate.
Use Information Correctly
Putting Information Together
Begin by watching the video below. Once you are done with the video you can use the links below it to dive deeper. You may also jump straight to the activity. If there isn't one you can move on to the next subtopic.
Avoiding Plagiarism
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
- What is plagiarism?
- Tips for avoiding plagiarism
Tech Savvy Tips & Tricks
Keyboard Shortcuts
Begin by watching the video below. Once you are done with the video you can use the links below it to dive deeper. You may also jump straight to the activity. If there isn't one you can move on to the next subtopic.
ACTIVITY:Keyboard shorcuts are one of the most powerful tools for productivity. Let's practice a few.
- Open a new blank document in Microsoft Word and copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) the following text:
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut congue, nisi a tristique ultricies, turpis neque consectetur quam, quis lobortis massa erat nec lacus. Nullam condimentum libero a augue maximus, vitae scelerisque nibh hendrerit. Maecenas ante nunc, varius eu diam sed, dapibus bibendum nulla. Integer quis nisl ac lacus ullamcorper pellentesque. Quisque a dictum augue, ac pellentesque sem. Praesent arcu metus, varius sed velit aliquam, finibus eleifend enim. Sed commodo rhoncus nibh, sed volutpat enim aliquam vitae. Mauris rhoncus libero vel nibh mollis ultrices. Phasellus vitae sollicitudin enim. Pellentesque vehicula arcu nec interdum pharetra.
Maecenas maximus ligula eu turpis egestas sodales. Praesent et egestas tellus. Praesent tincidunt consequat accumsan. Aliquam eu eros arcu. Nunc egestas arcu vitae metus aliquet, rutrum commodo purus tristique. Nam accumsan condimentum fringilla. Cras diam eros, viverra et elit nec, viverra fringilla tortor. Morbi accumsan, metus ac imperdiet facilisis, lorem mi commodo lorem, non interdum tortor ex ut massa. Suspendisse feugiat ut nulla quis rutrum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam nec viverra urna. Maecenas efficitur diam leo, at vestibulum urna consectetur non. Phasellus placerat placerat tellus id pulvinar. Vivamus tempus purus metus, nec placerat ante elementum eu. Suspendisse pretium purus in ligula tempor dignissim.- Bold (Ctrl-B) the header of text.
- Cut (Ctrl-X) the first paragraph and paste (Ctrl-V) it underneath the last paragraph.
- Italicize (Ctrl-I) the last setence of the first paragraph.
- Select all of the text (Ctrl-A) and increase the font size to 14.
- Undo (Ctrl-Z) that change then select all of the text again and set the font size to 12.
- Save (Ctrl-S) the document to your desktop with whatever name you like.
- Navigate to your web browser and open up the menus. Notice how the keyboard shortcuts are located to the right of the menu items. It's best to memorize the most used ones.
- Practice creating a new tab (Ctrl-T) and a new window (Ctrl-N).
- Go to the menu on your browser again and find the shortcut to close a tab. Use that shortcut to close new tabs that you created.
- On this page, find (Ctrl-F) the word "video". Hit enter to cycle through all the mentions of the word.
- Now do the same thing for the word "quiz". Notice how using the find feature is a quick way to find what you want on a page.
- Find "Keyboard Shortcuts" to return to the section you were on and continue the module.
Mouse Shortcuts
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
Backing up your files
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
- External hard drives
- Online storage
- Navigate to Dropbox and create a new account.
- Once you have set up your account create a new folder titld "Arriba Juntos".
- In that folder create a folder called "Youth Technology Assignments".
- In that folder create a folder called "Digial Skills".
- Upload all three of the activities that you did today to this folder.
Taking Screenshots
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
ACTIVITY:Take a screenshot of your quiz results.
- Log in to GCF Global, scroll to the bottom and click on My Account.
- Scroll down and click on the View Learning History button underneath the Learning Progress header.
- Click on Self-Paced Transcript.
- Make sure you see the quizzes you took today on your transcript and capture a screenshot.
- Upload your screenshot to your Dropbox folder titled "Digital Skills".
Finding Your Downloads
To begin, click the button below. When you reach the end of the lesson close the tab and return to this page to complete any activities or quizzes. If there are none you can move on to the next subtopic.
ACTIVITY:This is the last activity in the module so now it's time to submit your work.
- Open up your email and compose a new message to your instructor. The subject should be "Digital Skills Assignments and Quizzes".
- In the body write "Here is a link to my assignments and quizzes from the Digital Skills module." Be sure to sign your name.
- Navigate to Dropbox and to the "Digital Skills" folder.
- Share the link to the folder. This should open up a dialogue box with the share link highlighted. Copy (Ctrl-C) the link.
- Navigate back to your email and highlight the text "Here is a link". (Hint: This can all be done with keyboard shortcuts.
- Turn "Here is a link" into a link (Ctrl-K) then paste (Ctrl-V) the your Dropbox share link and hit enter to save it.
- Once you have linked to your Dropbox folder in the email then go ahead and send it. After make sure that you delete all of the files off of the desktop you may have saved.
No project yet but check back soon.